Knowledge Behaviors offered as BITE-SIZED LEARNING from which Janelle has built an online program. She has also produced 10 minute bite-sized videos. With a train-the-leader program, your managers can also be taught how to facilitate these bite-sized learnings with their own teams:

Complaints define
what your
customers want.
If you’re lucky,
you’ll hear from

  1. Applying the knowledge that most customers don’t complain

  2. Five solid reasons why complaints are gifts

  3. Understanding and applying the Complaint Is a Gift Formula

  4. Differentiating between emotional and rational components to complaints and respondinga appropriately

  5. Describing the customer experience: how does it feel when you are poorly treated

  6. Impact of intervening with speed

  7. Using the right amount of empathy in complaint handling 

  8. Displaying fairness: why it is more important in certain situations than in others

  9. Determining when to refuse a customer’s request Knowing when to ask for help 

  10. Passing off customers to someone else with minimal fuss

  11. Applying organizational refund policies when customers complain

  12. Taking customers from Poor Responses to Wow Responses when they complain

  13. Helping customers avoid embarrassing themselves when they complain

  14. Getting the best results when you have to complain

  15. Determining when to refuse a customer’s request

  16. Building a wide-tolerance zone with your customers

Copyright. A Complaint Is a Gift™. Website Design and Development by moveminds, LLC.